Mercer County Science Fair Returning in Person!

In person this March, sign up early to have your project pre-checked!

PMIL is a proud co-sponsor of our regions science fair, which has served Mercer County since 1955. The Mercer county Science and Engineering fair is affiliated with Regeneron ISEF, sending 1-2 of our top students to the ISEF National Science fair

After-School Programs and Summer Intensives will allow students a safe and meaningful opportunity to contribute to large-scale projects alongside Princeton Students, Alumni, and Community Members. This will enable them to build practical hours in engineering for future education and professional application requirements.

Our Programs

  • Meaningful Projects

    Tired of just Lego robotics? We build things, real things Our projects will be used in communities to serve as a stepping stone to solving a larger societal problem. We believe in dreaming big, not small.

  • Real Skills

    Soldering, Welding, Powder coating, PCB Design, AI Neural Net programing among many more skills will be utilized as we work together to build something worthwhile.

  • Genuine Community

    Connect people who have your passion for STEM and serving others here at PMIL.

Example Projects.

Here are some examples of similar projects that we would like to establish with students in the Princeton area.

Doppler Radar

Drone Design Workshop


Solar Construction Materials

Inexpensive near-infrared Therapeutic Devices

Radiation Detectors

Molten Salt Electroliers

Boundary-Pushing 3D Printers

Sample Program : Aeronautics Summer Intensive

Course: 1 Week Summer Aeronautics Intensive

Program: Princeton Museum of Innovation and Leadership

Curriculum Student Learning Outcome(s)

Students will have the tools, training, and hands-on experience to begin their journey in STEM. Princeton Museum of Innovation and Leadership pushes students to strengthen their ethical intuition, and problem solving abilities with meaningful projects. You will learn the techniques, systems, and essential mathematics to create innovative aerospace projects that solve real-world problems. As a student in our 1 week aeronautics intensive, you will gain the ability to understand design decisions made by startups and major manufacturers, and create your own design envelopes for solving a particular problem.

Students who successfully complete the Princeton Museum of Innovation and Leadership Program will be able to:

Apply comprehensive intuition and skills gained to future internships and scholastic experiences in the aerospace industry;

Work well together as emerging team players and innovative design thinkers;

Understand and implements new technologies and materials relevant to aircraft design development

Adapt their inspired knowledge and abilities to ongoing changes in global aerospace and related industries; and

Bring their evolving design point-of view and ethics to various types of imaginative challenges.

Curriculum Objective(s): Scope of aerospace industry, Materials Selection, History of Human Flight, Aircraft Control, Weather Impacts on Flight Risks, Ethics of Design.

Sample Timeline and Lesson-plan:

Day 1:

Physics of Flight; The Rocket Equation; History Session: DaVinci’s Flying Machines; Material Properties: Balsa Wood, Aluminum, Magnesium, Carbon Fibers, Exotic Alloys; Practicum: Destructive Testing of Materials; Practicum: DaVinci Copter

Day 2:

High Altitude Meteorology; Self-stabilizing Airfoil Design: Canards etc.; Materials Handling Skill Workshop: Soldering, Welding, Adhesion; Control systems.

Day 3:

Design Ethics Presentation: Boeing Dreamliner lessons learned; Introductory flight lesson with volunteer FAA flight instructor/commercial certified pilots.

Day 4:

Practicum: RC Plane design; Practicum: Drone Design; Practicum: Drone AI Air Turbulence Canceling System Design.

Day 5:

Continuing Practicum: RC Plane design; Practicum: Drone Design; Practicum: Drone AI Air Turbulence Canceling System Design.

Lighter Than Air Flight; Final Practicum: Mini Paper-Mache Hot air balloons.

Get Involved

If you have a formal background in STEM, Ethics Training, Materials Handling, or simply want to invest in future leaders of America, volunteer with us!